Best Life
Book Collaboration

Our book project
We would love for you to be part of the next Chapter of the Talk, Trust, Feel Summit!
What you get when you join
· Get your name more out there, reach new markets that your usual book-share or other events don’t reach, create more awareness for your work and best of all, associate yourself with the truly inspiring men women who participated in our summit!
· The opportunity to call yourself an author, if you are not one already, (and I am going to go all out to get an International Bestselling Author status for you). You all know the immediate authority that establishes. I cannot promises that, but I am pretty confident that I could repeat what I managed with my first book when I had 30 people on my mailing list. That is especially more doable as we have a much bigger combined reach than one lonely newbie!
· I get all the difficult things done… Professional Cover, Formatting and Proof Read, ISBN, setting up pre-order on Amazon, providing marketing copy and graphics, Bookbub advertising…and you do the fun things: writing and enjoying your author status and new-found authority.
· We create more awareness of what we are all about, spread our core message of hope! And better tools!
· Your page will be linked to your Summit Interview, so more people will have another chance to get to know you better. Plus there will be links to everyone’s pages in the back of the book.
· All the other authors will forever be marketing you and your work (as well as their own) as they grow their audience. This happens for you, without any further effort on your part. It is marketing in perpetuity. Now that is a pretty cool case of one chapter being globally distributed and marketed just by using leverage.
· Because it is part of the 5-books minimum ‘Summit Series’, these books are boosted every time another book is added
To do next
1. Commitment. We need to know that 12 to 16 minimum are participating to make it awesome and viable. I do want all of you of course, so will your fans… see! emotional blackmail!!! If it is working, and you would love to be part of this, please send me an email immediately saying “I’m in”
2. I will send you the link for more information, the contract, where to upload everything and payment next.
3. I will ask you to sign a contract.
4. I will of course also ask you to spread the word, but I know I don’t even need to ask. You are all very professional and have been awesome during the summit.
5. 3000 words or 4000 words – you choose how many, edited. My editor, Joy Sephton Roos, will do a proofread and an out-loud read through for consistency and QC (She has a special offer for anyone needing full edit)
6. We upload pre-order to Amazon during those dates, with publication 2 months later. That will give us chance to do proper marketing, and in this time the final files will be polished and uploaded before the official publish date.

Writing Prompts
I will make the writing very easy for you with the following questions/sections:
Section 1: A heartfelt summary of your story and your why.
Section 2: Choose what and how you want to describe your ‘why’:
How did you get started on the road you are on/your inspiration?
What was the moment/the circumstances/ the aha moment that stopped you in your tracks/your turnaround moment?
Section 3: 3 to 5 Biggest life lessons
Section 4: Your best tools, 2 to 3. For example, ‘boundaries, what it is, how to use it, what not to do and an example”
Section 5: Inspiration: Offer your reader the shortcut
“If I was back exactly where I was [___] years ago, this is what I would do to [your topic]
What we need from you
To upload:
- A 30 word bio for the back page
- A longer 200 word bio and your links for your own author page at the back of the book
- Your Amazon Author Page link if you are already published
- A high resolution thumbnail photo for the back cover
- An image for your page – one black and white for paperback, one in colour for Kindle, all high res
- Your chapter. Write a 100 words a day and before you know it, it is done!

Back Cover & Spine
The Back Cover concept – the designer may switch things up though! But the basic idea is there.
The basic idea is that the blurb be short and punchy, and all images must be good quality, high resolution.
Please submit as soon as you are done, so the next round of compiling, editing and formatting can begin.
Deadline: 14th November, Xth (Month) at the latest.

For Word count 3000, Pay $115 with Paypal:
For Word count 4000, Pay $135 with Paypal:
Contact me should you need to make arrangements for 2 payments.
Hi Co-Authors
I am so excited about our book project, and looking forward to getting your chapters.
One of the biggest perks of this collaboration is having our name associated with other men and women of substance, who has incredible stories, who are brave and who are going into the world, making change happen.
The second perk is that every book in your name brings attention to your other books, those published or about to come out soon.
The third perk is not so obvious if you are not a seasoned marketer, but it is this: events drive your capability to say something newsworthy. And this is an event, not just a book, and moreover, it is a joint marketing effort. Therefore, it is up to you to use it to drive interest to your other projects. Be creative!
I just love the magic of collaboration!