Serial Relationship Sins
How would you like it be if you understood all the intricacies of relationships and what happens behind the scenes; if you knew how we can have direct influence on improving all our relationships?
~ 3 Months Online Program ~
Starting from 3rd February 2025

Now only $27/month
Next Intake price will go up!
NOTE: Please don’t freak out when you see a Rand price. South African exchange control is a bit daft, and we are not allowed to charge in Dollars. Silly, I know, but it means you will see weird amounts in Rand, but you can check it against the exchange rate, and all will be well. Sorry, can’t fight a shortsighted government, but our banks works just fine.
Membership intake open for 2024!
One of the HUGE perks is that ALL past Masterclasses on beneficial topics like Shame, Boundaries, People Pleasing, etc, are uploaded inside our Membership portal, with at least 20 Masterclasses available for you to watch anytime, plus their worksheets.
New content is added regularly, and some live training videos elsewhere on social media will only be available for a short time before they come here.
There is a 20% Members Only Discount for All Paid Programmes, no matter when you entered and at what level.
If you are on the fence, go look at some real world reviews here. Or go look at a few LiveStreams in the Facebook group if you want to get to know me better.
Incredible value when you compare it with the cost of one on one sessions. And you can, as an Inner Circle Contributor, still book your sessions but permanently discounted at – 20%, as long as you are a member.
A big perk is access to monthly 1 hour live sessions. A short topic discussion, followed by your questions and me helping you through current problems.
The price WILL go up, as I add more and more content in here, but if you join now, it will be your lifetime subscription locked in at this amount!
If you are here looking for help, rest assured that I and the community who supports me will be there for you. Use the content provided, join the Facebook Group for Livestream Coaching, jump onto the challenges, comment, interact and be an active member. That is how we grow. By participating. Not by being a spectator.
Members get one 50% off a Counselling/Coaching session with me after every 6-month membership is completed.
All of these benefits mean your membership practically pays for itself, you have ongoing community, support, inspiration and expert guidance – and you solidify your forward growth momentum by putting your attention on where you want to go.
And, of course, you can cancel any time.
Deep-Seated Shame Neuro Rewiring Workshop
It is uncanny how many people walk around with a deep-seated conviction that who we really are is not acceptable.
Monday 16 October 2023, 6pm (GMT +2)
Who and what these Courses, Workshops and Immersive Experiences are for:

Other Immersive Courses

Young Adults - Ready for Life Program
Being ready for life, with all its opportunities, but also all of its challenges, is a sorely needed skill. We most definitely don’t want our generational trauma and fears being passed on, nor do we want our mistakes repeated.
So many of us are just doing the best we can, and we may ask ourselves if there is anything else we can do to help our young people get ready for life, and have a clear path to uncomplicate their road in life.
The answer is yes, and I have designed this program specifically for that.
Confidence building, goal-oriented outlooks, empowering communication skills and identifying unhelpful thinking styles help us become self-empowered adults, and the practical new tools get practiced in breakout rooms in the weekly live 2-hour sessions.
The 4 one-on-one sessions give a safe space for individual unresolved traumas, interpersonal problems, and a neutral space in which to work through problems.
Each week comes with a questionnaire and practical exercises. Take a look at the program:
Plus 4 one-on-one sessions included.
Click for full Program
Week 1
Confidence Building 1Fitting inBeing my real selfLiking myselfWanting to be likedWeek 2
Confidence building 2Self-TalkToxic shamePeople pleasingBully proofAffirmationsWeek 3
Taking responsibility ConsequencesChoicesSelf-DirectedWeek 4
My outlooks and thought patternsToxic or Empowering?Habits to dropWeek 5
CommunicationWants and needsWithdrawing Listening skillsWeek 6
BoundariesHow to do it, and how not to do itAssertivenessNegotiation skillsWeek 7
Making friends and the basis of good relationshipsWeek 8
Goal settingResults oriented / Solution focused Self-propelledNext date to be announced
8 week Challenge
Self-Drives - In Your Own Time!
Video recording/s, with notes, worksheet and lifetime access
If you want the comfort of doing this in your own time, then get your personal, burning questions answered here:

Unshakable Self Esteem One Day at a Time
Let me take you step by step through one manageable piece of Self-Esteem to fix at a time
- You will find out why your self-esteem is shaky
- You will recognize your amazing potential
- And one week at a time, we will put in place a healthy, empowering self-esteem habit.
- You will learn that you can design your own unshakable self-esteem from scratch and live a fulfilled life!!