It is time to re-adjust… I’ve gathered my awesome friends to discount their valuable and very effective programs for you!

The biggest gift of the last year has been that it took us out of our routines, out of our Hamster Wheels and out of deeply entrenched habits that may have not been beneficial for a long time.
So now we are here. We have gained distance, and hopefully new insights, but we may need help to best re-align ourselves to create that which we uncovered, hidden in us, in our time of forced hiatus.
It can easily feel overwhelming to set new goals when the past year shifted everything you thought you knew about your life, with many of us in crisis mode while still trying to meet the demands of life, family, friends, and work.
More than ever before we all need the support, resources, healing, and guidance to learn how to navigate this world and use our current situation to leverage the best possible future.
I carefully compiled a list of awesome, giving and very talented friends to help you to honor and treat yourself with their life lessons, all of them for only $5 each. Take a peek at what we are bringing you!
Get Access to heavily discounted courses/workshops & challenges from 10 change-makers that you can tap into to create a positive change in your life.

Beth McGuffin
Beth McGuffin, M.Ed. CLAC is a Certified Love Attraction Coach™. She supports women connecting to the Divine and deeply loving and honoring themselves as they attract their soulmates with grace and ease. She lives and loves in Southern California with her husband (and soulmate) and their two amazing kids.

Tobey Geise
Tobey overcame a painful eating disorder and turned her attention to healing her mind, body, and soul. Her mission is to help others heal their trauma and release their struggle with food and body image. She created the Mirror of Love Masterclass to help women understand the root cause of their dysfunctional relationship with food and to learn how to love themselves without judgment or guilt.

Cymber Lily Quinn
Cymber Lily Quinn is an international speaker on the topic of reclaiming, living and sharing life purpose. With 25 years of coaching, Cymber is an expert on guiding women to design and travel their own life purpose roadmaps.

Heidi Aderman
Heidi Aderman is a habits and accountability coach. She helps people overcome the overwhelm of creating, by providing a process for building small productive habits that free up more head space for creation. It’s important that the journey is fun, so she does it with a game called AchieveBET.

Diya Selva
Summer is a Business Strategy and Accountability Coach who walks into your business as a Thought Partner, collaborating your thoughts with hers, to create a synergy of fresh new perspectives, growth mindset and marketing insights to get your business unstuck and move you from surviving to thriving.

Tammy Davis
Tammy shows her clients how to break the cycle of managing pain and living pain free life. She works with them to co-create custom essential oil blends and provides personalized guidance for safely and effectively accomplishing the desired results. She is 100% invested in their success.

Larry McInnes
After his affair was discovered, Larry soon found himself sleeping on a friend’s sofa. With a cat. Now, after his own transformation, Larry is using tools and techniques based in neuroscience and psychology to guide others from that lowest of low points to a life of happiness and abundance.

Chuck Groot
Chuck Groot’s CPA, MPA, MBA credentials as an author, teacher, business coach and entrepreneur are noteworthy. His clients credit their success to his uncanny ability to get right to the root of any challenge that they put in front of him.

Richard Morden
Are you aware of Self-Sabotage, is life a constant up and down cycle no matter how hard you try? Richard helps you discover these unacknowledged emotions of Rage, Disgust, Betrayal & Disappointment and guide you to create from a safe place peace and love.

Host & Founder of
Louise VN Liebenberg
Louise VN Liebenberg is an international bestselling author and transformational coach and counselor who specializes in Adult Child Syndrome, Self Esteem Development and Transforming Unresolved Grief.
She loves taking long road trips with her husband, exploring new places on her motorbike. At home she likes nothing better than writing her next book with three cats curled up on her legs. She gets her creative outlet in doing stained glass and ceramics.
As your “Fearless Magnificence Coachelor” she believes in your ability to shine, overcome and transform your life and relationships, and she has gathered some of her most inspring friends to help you redesign and realign your life for maximum growth and healing.

A 4-day Online Challenge that will change how you view yourself! Self-Worth is the one area of how we view ourselves that is crucial to improve. When we have self-worth, all our relationships get better, we attract great opportunities and are more succesful in all areas of our lives.
Here’s what you can expect in the Experts Bonanza Week

All courses only $5 for this special one-week only promotion.
10 life-changing resources to help you live your life focused, centered, and empowered. Just because they are my friends!

Experts that get you, because they have inside experience!
Experts who have walked the walk, have a deep understanding of your challenges and offer real actionable help.

These professionals normally charge between $197 and $1997 per hour
What is the catch? No really, all are amazing value. Get yourself one, or get them all!
I’m so excited that you decided to be a part of this event and thanks to you, Our Support a Therapy Session (For someone who cannot afford it) Fund will be receiving a donation!
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I sign up for the Healing and Happiness Expert Bonanza?
You should sign up for the Healing and Happiness Bonanza if you’re ready to create positive change in your life and leave behind what is not working anymore.
With all of these amazing special offers of only $5 and the free gifts, what’s the catch?
There is no catch! Sign up for the courses or the gifts that you want and are going to help you in your life. It’s really that simple.
So, how does the Healing and Happiness Experts Bonanza work?
The Experts Bonanza officially opens on July 4th and closes on July 11th, 2021. When you sign up, You will be able to buy any or all Workshops, Courses, & Challenges and you’ll have full access to all free gifts AND you will be notified daily throughout the event so you don’t miss anything.
For each Course or Gift you’re interested in, click the button next to it. A second page will open on the contributor’s website with details on their giveaway gift and a signup box.
I am LOVING this Experts Bonanza! How can I share this with my friends?
I would love it if you shared this Experts Course, Workshop, Challenge & Free Gifts Bonanza with your friends!
Here’s how it works: Click the button below and sign up first. After you sign up, there will be a link that you can click to automatically share the Bonanza on Facebook, or just forward the email you received. You know exactly who needs this!
I-nfinitePotential does not necessarily agree or not agree with any speaker/contributor/guest expert, but we celebrate freedom of speech and everyone’s right to find the teacher that resonates with them. Please make sure to verify all medical, coaching, counselling and/or legal advice with your certified professional provider.