No one should live day after day, struggling through relationships. Good relationships are our soft place to fall, our refuge from the world.
Everyone deserves to experience that!
Maybe you think it is really hard to change your life around?
Maybe you believe there is some mystery ingredient others know about?
I used to think exactly that!
This course will teach you 12 easily identifiable behaviors and habits to drop and show you how to replace it with empowering behaviors.
Sounds doable? Of course it is!
What will I learn
Let me take you step by step through one behavior (you did not even know you had) to drop per week
- You will find out why you needed it
- You will recognize your triggers
- And one week at a time, we will put in place a healthy, empowering outlook or behavior.
- You will learn that you are an adult with choices who can redesign your life!
If that sounds like something you want to achieve, read on…
Time Commitments and other Requirements
- A twelve week course which you can do in your own time
- You can come back to it anytime, as long as you want, but some of the bonuses are time sensitive
- Every week will need about an hour of your time to do the self-evaluation, read through the course material and watch the short (less than 10 minutes) video.
- You unlock the next module in your own time by completing a short quiz at the end of each module.
- The weekly Facebook live session will be maximum 20 minutes long. It will remain available to watch in your own time.
- The more transparent you are, the better results you will get!

Pre-Book this course as numbers will be limitted
Course Description
Every week you get:
- A self-evaluating questionnaire to start with
- Course Modules on the weekly topics
- A Short Video to watch in your own time
- A handy Tip to overcoming challenges associated with the week’s topic
- An Empowering Communication Hack
- A weekly Empowering Action
- A quiz for evaluating your progress (no right or wrong answers!) You will also have a weekly opportunity to give your input on the course and ask for improvements or more explanation.
Support and Connection Course
Week 1:Withdrawing
This Week’s Topics:
How effective is withdrawing?
What is better than withdrawing?
Week 2: Blaming
This Week’s Topics:
Blaming and victimhood
The How of Not-Blaming
Week 3. Justifying
This Week’s Topics:
The Hamster Wheel you cause by justifying
The resolution you provide by listening
Week 4: Judging
This Week’s Topics:
What does judging say about me? Have to be right!
How to cure judgemental living Self-Acceptance
Week 5: Protective Walls
This Week’s Topics:
Does a wall ever serve you?
What is the better option and will it kill me?
Week 6: Approval Seeking
This Week’s Topics:
The Why of approval seeking.
How to fix it
Week 7: Grudge Collecting
This Week’s Topics:
How does grudge-keeping harm you?
What is a better way?
Week 8: Self Bashing
This Week’s Topics:
Why you want to stop bashing yourself
How to stop!
Week 9: Going it Alone
This Week’s Topics:
Where did this habit start?
What is better?
Week 10: People Pleasing
This Week’s Topics:
Why do you need to please
Finding your “No’
Week 11: Ever been accused of being a Control-Freak?
This Week’s Topics:
Is controlling everyone and everything effective?
What works better?
Week 12: Victim Mentality
This Week’s Topics:
Why oh why?
How to step into your adult

Pre-Book this course as numbers will be limitted