It’s a Beautiful Life and you don’t know how to do it effortlessly…

What if I could help you unlock the keys that are hidden inside you when you give me only an hour a day, 11 days of your life?

11 day Messenger Transform Limiting Beliefs Challenge 13 May 2024 

Self Drive Available Immediately R970 

Find Your Voice, Step Into Your Power

Day 1 – Do you Believe You Have to be ‘Nice’?

Day 2 – Do your Feelings matter?

Day 3 – Can you Trust? 

Day 4 – Are you a People-Pleaser/Fixer?

Day 5 – How Deep-Seated are your Insecurities?

Day 6 – How much do you need to control?

Day 7 – The deep Inner-Me I hide from others

Day 8 – I really Need Support

Day 9 – Not feeling like I fit

Day 10 – Do your Relationships suffer under Limiting Beliefs?

Day 11 – The Limiting Beliefs that are SO Deep and Damaging

What do you get?

  • 11 x 30 Minutes Live coaching and ‘Camera Off’ live Q&A afterwards

  • Worksheets

  • Exercises/Questionnaires

  • Slides

  • And a complimentary 30 minute One-on-One Session to define your core strategy for everyone who completes all the challenges

No more...
waiting, hoping, despair, self-sabotaging, anxiety, not being supported and loneliness...

This is for you if…

  • You are tired of people pleasing
  • You are confused about why you still do not feel like you fit
  • You are ultra hard on yourself
  • You are desperate to be valued for you
  • You feel unnoticed and unsupported
  • You are tired and just want it to be easier
  • You know there are invisible barriers that are keeping you stuck
  • What you have been trying is not working and you know something has to change

If this is what you want…>>>>>>>>>>

… join the challenge 


Make this your new normal:

  • I am confident and self-affirming because I eliminated my self-limiting beliefs

  • I feel at peace, fulfilled and I know I am capable of reaching my highest potential

  • I do not need to people please anymore, but instead take care of my own needs

  • I improve my relationships in all areas of my life as I am not easily triggered anymore

  • I am excited about the future because I am not self-sabotaging anymore

  • I feel empowered even in the face of adversity because I neutralized my invisible blocks

  • I live in grace, gratefulness and joy ever day because I  removed my invisible blocks to self-acceptance

full body cropped

I have been in the position of being perplexed, confused and, frankly, bewildered about why my life just was not working out the way I wanted it to.
I have gone from being a strictly self-contained person who rigidly suppressed her emotions, who did not know how to get real support, to someone who experiences deep joy, purpose and peace every day.
I want you to have real-life tools, outlooks and I will give you everything I have to make sure that you walk out after two days with hope, a way forward and an empowered outlook!

Louise VN Liebenberg
Your Fearless Magnificence Coach

What people say

Dr Tashni Nyager
Dr Tashni Nyager
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I had debated with myself whether to join the course or not because it terrified me. Not only would I have to talk to complete strangers but I would also be talking about not feeling worthy. Definitely not first date conversation material! You realise that everyone is on their own path, learning more about themselves. The course ignited something inside me that has since stayed. I am more aware of myself, my thoughts and decisions that I make. I can say that from having no self worth I am on journey to discover more about myself and all that makes me worthy. Thank you to Louise for creating this course and platform for people. It will change lives. I know because you have changed mine, infinitely for the better!
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Without the Self Worth program I would not be who I am today, and I wouldn't have the answers I have now. You need to know your own self worth in order to move forward in order to grow and grow in the way you should be growing.
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The Self Worth challenge for me was enormous, because I had no idea what Self Worth was. I was so busy surviving what was going on around me that I had no idea what wants and needs were. There were all these amazing people, and if they could not see it, I am clearly not damaged beyond repair. I just needed someone to point it out!

Don't forget to use the SA Discount Code: UNLIMIT-LIVE-SADIS

Need to Know: All of this, a life-changing experience, great support, and a wide-open future is waiting for you for only R1470! This high-value, life-changing package is worth at least $395

11 x Live Coaching Sessions

11 x Q&A Sessions

11 Days of Worksheets

11 Days of Custom Transformational Challenges

11 Days of Support on Messenger

Plus, plus, plus!!!… a Bonus On-on-One Session for everyone who completes all Challenges.

Date & Time:  

Check your time zone here

  • Central Europe,GMT -2, CAT, South Africa 7pm/18h00
  • Pacific US 9h00
  • Central US 11h00
  • Eastern US 12h00
  • UK/GMT 17h00
  • Mumbai 21h30
  • Auckland 4h00

The group sessions will be in Zoom. And please make sure you have Whatsapp installed. I will add you to the  group after registration

All communication will be in WhatApp group, easy and straightforward.

We create a safe space for all in which to be transparent, able to share, support and cheer on each other. 

Date & Time:  

Check your timezone here

  • Central Europe,GMT -2, CAT, South Africa 7pm/19h00
  • Pacific US 10h00
  • Central US 12h00
  • Eastern US 13h00
  • UK/GMT 16h00
  • Mumbai 22h30
  • Auckland 5h00

You need to be on Facebook as the group sessions will be in Messenger. Make sure you have the Messenger app installed. Send me a friend request here and I will add you to the Messenger group.

All communication will be in the Messenger group, easy and straightforward.

If you are not a FB Fan: You can still create a FB profile using something like [first name] Daisycloud for reasonable anonymity. We do want to know who you are and need a profile pic (which you can remove after the challenge) as we create a safe space for all in which to be transparent, able to share, support and cheer on each other. The secret is to not add lots of friends or interact much on FB, then you become virtually invisible.


Drawing heavily on her professional experiences and her own transformational process, Louise VN Liebenberg, International Bestselling Author, Life Coach, Counsellor, Rescuer-Of-Abandoned-Cats and Road-Trip-Lover shares her no-nonsense, practical approach to mindful, constructive involvement in one’s own life.
She reinvented her life when it became emotionally unbearable, and has since helped countless others through facilitating support groups and one-on-one sessions.
She lays out a fresh approach to self-esteem building and shares the outlook-changing self-empowerment tools needed in a step-by-step way.
She has a passion for empowering others to achieve their goals by offering different ways to view challenges and approach life.
A multitude of rescued cats share their small-village-life with her and her husband, where she likes nothing better than writing her next book with said cats around her!