Tired of being unhappy – how to establish positive feelings?
Are you tired of feeling a certain way? Left out? Useless? Wrong? Sad? Unhappy? Tired? Lonely? Powerless?Or… what is your feeling? That thing you just
Are you tired of feeling a certain way? Left out? Useless? Wrong? Sad? Unhappy? Tired? Lonely? Powerless?Or… what is your feeling? That thing you just
5 steps to becoming a more effective communicator: Reactivity in ourselves and other causes wars. The all out anger ones. The endless bickering about everything kind.
These four things – anxiety, fear, and regrets – are the most general symptoms of a life devoid of mindfulness. The bigger problem, though, is
When it comes to the human race and human nature, there is one thing that is true for everyone.
EVERYONE. Even those of us who have not tuned into ourselves for so long, that we have forgotten it.
And this is it, the leveling-the-playing-field thing: We all want to be heard. That is what let us give up on our parents (caregivers/spouses/friends), way back, originally. We did not feel heard. Or seen. Or accepted. Or loved. or supported. Or worthwhile.
It definitely sucks to feel judged. It makes us feel less powerless confused not safe misunderstood excluded not good enough invisible not heard not acceptable
The dad-weekend and mom-week thing were all new to us. It is quite a change for a 7-year old who grew up having the run of
Grudge (n): “a persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult or injury”. Are you carrying a grudge you just
So the question really is: “Where are you still stuck?” The answer depends on whether you are paying attention to what is not working in
Today’s post involves homework for you. Ha! I want you to reflect a bit on what you want most in life. Go on, just